One click iOS app distribution for LiveCode and Mac OS X
AirLaunch is a plugin for the LiveCode IDE that gives you one-click app distribution for testing or in-house distribution of your Apple iOS apps. After building your iOS standalone normally, AirLaunch will generate the required .ipa
file, a manifest file, and an HTML file—everything you need to immediately transfer your app to your testing devices over wi-fi.
AirLaunch requires Mac OS X and a licensed copy of LiveCode. It is incompatible with the free LiveCode Community edition and will not run there.

Automated Registration System
Zygodact provides an easy, automated way to add a complete registration serial key system to your LiveCode standalone application or stack. With only a single line of code, Zygodact will check to see whether your application has been registered with a valid serial key. If not, it displays a dialog requesting a user ID and registration key. If your user cannot provide a valid registration, Zygodact gracefully shuts down your software, disallowing access.